On this page, we publish and update Shillong Teer Previous Result. This lottery-based game is so popular in various regions of Assam in this game participants need to hit the given target which are provided. Players who hit the given target they considered as winners of the round, before starting each round, through this article we will get a complete overview of Previous Results list of Shillong Teer and its compleate chart at one place you can also check the morning teer, night teer result list chart.

Shillong Teer Previous Result List 2025
The previous teer numbers are those numbers that appeared in older games as winning numbers if we analyze the previous result list then we can also able to guess the hit numbers and common numbers that have a high winning probability. In this article, we will get the complete list of all previous hit numbers.
Previous Result February 2025
Date | FR | SR |
14.02.2025 | 96 | 49 |
13.02.2025 | 19 | 41 |
12.02.2025 | 62 | 24 |
11.02.2025 | 03 | 95 |
10.02.2025 | 24 | 79 |
08.02.2025 | 24 | 79 |
07.02.2025 | 32 | 97 |
06.02.2025 | 05 | 64 |
05.02.2025 | 96 | 25 |
04.02.2025 | 72 | 19 |
03.02.2025 | 11 | 04 |
01.02.2025 | 31 | 57 |
Previous Result January 2025
Date | FR | SR |
31.01.2025 | 08 | 53 |
30.01.2025 | 75 | 25 |
29.01.2025 | 19 | 80 |
28.01.2025 | 55 | 02 |
27.01.2025 | 92 | 33 |
25.01.2025 | 10 | 25 |
24.01.2025 | 52 | 18 |
23.01.2025 | 74 | 09 |
22.01.2025 | 93 | 13 |
21.01.2025 | 67 | 40 |
20.01.2025 | 41 | 66 |
18.01.2025 | 75 | 32 |
17.01.2025 | 36 | 02 |
16.01.2025 | 07 | 37 |
15.01.2025 | 72 | 81 |
14.01.2025 | 49 | 33 |
13.01.2025 | 52 | 10 |
11.01.2025 | 40 | 25 |
10.01.2025 | 94 | 11 |
09.01.2025 | 08 | 68 |
08.01.2025 | 31 | 58 |
07.01.2025 | 43 | 75 |
06.01.2025 | 73 | 19 |
05.01.2025 | 01 | 42 |
03.01.2025 | 53 | 86 |
02.01.2025 | 94 | 75 |
01.01.2025 | 64 | 02 |
Check Previous Result January 2024
Today Shillong Teer Previous Result
Below is the complete list of the previous results in one place which is played in Shillong all results of Morning Teer, and Evening Teer is updated frequently when the result is out, the previous result also helps players for analyze record and get a high winning probability in next upcoming teer rounds, on this page we will get Shillong teer previous result of 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 which are published.
Previous Result Of this Week
Date | First Round | Second Round |
14.02.2025 | 96 | 49 |
13.02.2025 | 19 | 41 |
12.02.2025 | 62 | 24 |
11.02.2025 | 03 | 95 |
10.02.2025 | 24 | 79 |
Shillong Teer Previous Result Chart
The chart of Shillong teer previous results helps users to analyze all previous year hit numbers on one page which is very useful for predicting the next day (upcoming number). In the game of teer, most of the time winning probability is based on various reasons which are weather conditions, wind direction, etc. No one can provide hit numbers before the match it is a secret and its managed by the authority (Khalsa Archery).
Check Previous Result Complete Chart
Morning Shillong Teer Previous Result
Date | Morning Result |
14.02.2025 | 96 |
13.02.2025 | 19 |
12.02.2025 | 62 |
11.02.2025 | 03 |
10.02.2025 | 24 |
08.02.2025 | 19 |
07.02.2025 | 32 |
06.02.2025 | 05 |
05.02.2025 | 96 |
04.02.2025 | 72 |
03.02.2025 | 11 |
01.01.2025 | 31 |
Shillong Teer Previous Result Night
Date | Night Result |
14.02.2025 | 49 |
13.02.2025 | 41 |
12.02.2025 | 24 |
11.02.2025 | 95 |
10.02.2025 | 79 |
08.02.2025 | 54 |
07.02.2025 | 32 |
06.02.2025 | 64 |
05.02.2025 | 25 |
04.02.2025 | 19 |
03.02.2025 | 04 |
01.01.2025 | 57 |
Shillong Teer Previous Result List 2024
Below complete list of Khanapara Shillong Teer previous result which contains morning and night teer hit numbers FR and SR from below given table users can check year-wise numbers by clicking on the links.
Shillong Teer Previous Result List 2023 | 2023 Result List |
Shillong Teer Previous Result Morning | Teer Morning Result |
Shillong Teer Previous Result 2022 | 2022 Result |
Shillong Teer Previous Result List Night | Night Result List |
Shillong Teer Previous Result List 2021 | Result List 2021 |
Assam Shillong Teer Previous Result | Previous Result 2025-2014 |
What is Shillong Teer Previous Result?
The previous result is the result which comes as Teer Hit Number in the previous game which are played in Shillong. On www.jobsiti.com we update every day FR/SR hit number you will get all latest updates here.
Why Previous Result of Shillong Teer is Important?
Previous Numbers (Result) of Teer Hit is very important for guessing upcoming hit numbers and its also useful in identifying common numbers.